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St Lucia

Saint Lucia Citizenship Program

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in 90 Days

Investment Amount



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Saint Lucia Citizenship By Investment Newest Program 2020

Saint Lucia Citizenship By Investment – Saint Lucia is an island country in the Caribbean which is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. This gives Saint Lucia a very beautiful terrain that makes it a very wonderful place to reside, with it white beaches and a very nice rain forest and natural spring. St Lucia is one of the most beautiful countries you would ever visit. Little wonder it earned the title of ‘Helen of the West Indies.

Saint Lucia is one of the latest countries to adopt the citizenship by investment programs after setting up a committee to review the policy. The Saint Lucia wants its citizenship by investment program to be different from what every other country offers. The Saint Lucia citizenship by investment program promises to offer individuals identity instead of citizenship.

Benefits of St. Lucia Second Passport

  • One of the fastest processing track of 90 days.
  • Dependent children under 25 are included in the same application.
  • Mentally or physically alleged children considered as dependents.
  • Dependent parents above 65 who are currently residing with the applicant are included.
  • No physical residency requirements.
  • No travel or residency requirements during the application process.
  • No interview, education, or managerial experience required.
  • No tax on worldwide income.
To qualify for Saint Lucia Second Passport, applicants must fulfill one of the Saint Lucia investment options below in addition to meeting the following criteria:
  • Be of outstanding character.
  • Hold no criminal record.
  • Have excellent health.
  • Have a high personal net worth.
  • Live with the family members who are in the application in the country for a minimum of 35 days within a period of five years.
Saint Lucia currently offers a citizenship by investment program to individuals through the following routes:

1. National Economic Fund

Saint Lucia. The funds contributed are used for various government projects. To make a contribution to the National Economic Fund, an individual should be ready to pay the sum of $100,000.

For couples who wish to become citizens, all they need to do is to make a contribution of $165,000 while a family of 4 makes a contribution of $190,000. For any additional dependent, a fee of $25,000 is charged. This makes Saint Lucia citizenship by investment one of the cheapest program in the world.

2. Pre-approved Enterprise Project

Another way through which one can become a citizen of Saint Lucia is through investment in a pre-approved enterprise project. The project should create at least 3 permanent jobs for citizens of Saint Lucia. The enterprise investment should worth nothing less than $3,500,000 for a single investment and $6,000,000 for a joint investment.

The Second concept is by making an investment in real estate sector. So, All you have to do to become part of the Saint Lucia family is to make an investment in the real estate sector. The investment should be up to at least $300,000.


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